

Friends of Africa 2012

The Friends of Africa Economic Development Roundtable by Casa Foundation for International Development (CFID) held in Toronto on the 19th October, 2012 at the Grand Ball Room, Marriott Hotel Toronto. Conference discussions focused on Partnership opportunities in Africa for Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Business owners. The conference was very successful with active participation by professionals and intellectuals from diverse sectors of Canada. The Presentation highlights include:

From the Public Sector:

  • Hon Navin Chandaria, Hon. Consular General of the Republic of Uganda opened the Conference with a goodwill message from Africa.
  • Hon Jim Karygiannis, Federal Member of Parliament and Chair of Republic of Congo, Somali and Nigeria Parliamentary Groups led discussions on- Participation of Small Businesses in development.
  • His Excellency, the Governor of Ekiti, West Africa was represented by Mr Olusegun Oshinkolu, Group CEO of Ekiti Group Fountain Investment Holdings. He led discussions on available Investment opportunities in Africa citing giant strides recorded by Southern African and Asian investors in the Region.
  • The Consular General, Political of South Africa- Reginold Ncamaner represented South Africa and presented the 2012 Top nominees of the ‘Friend of Africa’ Award to Participants.

Private Sector discussions were led by:

  • The President, Conros Corporation, North America-Navin Chandaria, who shared fundamental strategies to business ownership (having founded, led and sustained 7 private Corporations in the last 30 years).
  • The President of the Mattam Group, Canada- Lisa Mattam, discussed and moderated the roundtable on Rebranding of Entrepreneurs, Owner Managers for Economic Development
  • President of Canadian Council on Africa- Lucien Bradet discussed and moderated the roundtable on next steps for Professional and African leaders towards its sustainable development.
  • The Director, Center for Innovation in Alberta’s Olds-Abimbola Abiola presented Case-studies of Innovations and business ideas that are employment/revenue generators in Canada which can be replicated in Africa: Bio Fuel diesel, Waste products for Energy.

Professionals and Participants representing diverse sectors from different Regions including Toronto Transit Corporation, Toronto, Gas Gen, Toronto, Miller Thomson Advocates, Canada, CPCS Trans, Toronto, Raims Medical Group, Calgary, University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria actively participated at the sessions.

For Conference Materials & Highlights click here
For Nominees into ‘Friend of Africa’ Hall click here
For A Profile of Casa Foundation click here
For Conference Pictures click here
For Conference Videos click here
For News Reports click here

(Note that registration is required to access conference documents. Click the ‘register’ link at the top of the page to register).

We thank all our sponsors and participants look forward to welcoming you soon to a Casa Foundation event as we continue to update you through our Newsletters our forthcoming activities.

Once again, thank you for keeping a date with us and God bless.